OralStim Heal
Solutions for Oral healing, Infection control, Inflamation management, Oral Cancer, and HPV/STD Treatments
A dental company dedicated to the growing of Autograft bone or allograft bone at an accelerated rate for dental implant placement and rapid healing of tissues of the oral cavity
BS Signal Amplifier
A division of BoneStim developing signal amplifiers for re-growing bone in dental applications
Treatments for Tongue Healing and Pain Management
Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Airway Impedance, and Snoring
ArchStim Expander
A dental company dedicated to rapidly accelerate the opening of the arch to facilitate airway improvement, Tongue placement, and proper TMJ function.
Treatments for Porphyromonas Gingivalis other oral pathogens Solutions
A dental company dedicated to re-growing and repairing patient’s tooth enamel
Tissue infusion grafting solutions super-charged with growth promoting Bioelectric Signals and Advanced Growth Factors
DCA Enhanced Graft
A division of GraftStim dental company dedicated to developing equipment and tools to enhance synthetic dental grafts
TMJ Stim
Specialized solutions for Temporomandibular Joint treatment and Pain Management
An intra-Oral solution for aesthetic lip volume enhancement
A dental company dedicated to oral cavity solutions using combined bioelectric signals and ozone
Arch expansion Solutions
Bioelectric stimulation and biologic particles aerosol sprays to open up and treat inflamed sinuses utilizes the patented Leonhardt inflammation management technology – Click Here